背景:LEGO SPIKEを使って教育用コンテンツを試作中、関連する情報をまとめる
LEGO SPIKEとマイコンをシリアル通信させるサンプルコード(copilit)
以下はシリアル送信側(RxD)のコード、Aポートから115200の速度でASCII CODEで"0"~"9"を送信する
import utime import hub from hub import port port.A.mode(port.MODE_FULL_DUPLEX) a=port.A a.baud(115200) i=0 while True: utime.sleep_ms(150) p=hub.button.center.was_pressed() if p==True: i=i+1 hub.display.show(i) print("Send: " + str(i)) a.write(str(i)) if i==9: i=0
import utimeimport hubfrom hub import portport.A.mode(port.MODE_FULL_DUP - Pastebin.com
GitHub - LEGO/spike-prime-docs: Reference documentation for the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime communication protocol.
from spike import PrimeHub, I2C from spike.control import wait_for_seconds # Initialize the hub hub = PrimeHub() # Initialize I2C (using port A) i2c = I2C('A') # I2C device address DEVICE_ADDRESS = 0x1E # Example: Address of a magnetic sensor # Write data (example: write 0x00 to register 0x02) i2c.write(DEVICE_ADDRESS, [0x02, 0x00]) # Read data (example: read 2 bytes from register 0x03) data = i2c.read(DEVICE_ADDRESS, 0x03, 2) # Display the read data print("Read data:", data) # Wait for a while wait_for_seconds(1)
The Power Functions 2.0 connector
AliExpressでPowered Up Connector(多分互換品)を購入